WATERVILLE, Maine—On Wednesday, May 21, Delta Ambulance welcomed more than 75 community members to their Waterville base in celebration of National EMS Week. The event was free and open to the public.

National EMS Week honors the Emergency Medical Service workers across the United States. This year, it was celebrated from Sun., May 18 through Sat., May 24.
As part of the event, Delta offered Hands-Only™ CPR demonstrations, blood pressure screenings, ambulance “show and tell,” and tours of the base. There was also a Seat Belt Convincer to simulate what happens to individuals not wearing a seatbelt during motor vehicle accidents. Delta’s leadership team and a number of Emergency Medical Technicians and paramedics were available for attendees to ask questions and interact with. Refreshments including hot dogs, popcorn, and cake were served.
“This EMS Week, we wanted to not only thank our dedicated employees, their families, and all area responders for the work they do every day, but also take the opportunity to educate the public about important things like CPR and blood pressure,” said Tim Beals, executive director of Delta Ambulance. “Connecting with and educating the community is at the core of Delta’s mission.”
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Delta Ambulance, founded in 1972, is the leading provider of high-quality, compassionate emergency services and medical transportation in central Maine. Our superior training, experience and state-of-the-art medical technologies set us apart from other ambulance services. Every Delta employee exceeds state and federal licensing requirements, and all Delta emergency response teams include at least one paramedic. These high standards have enabled us to achieve numerous life-saving benchmarks including a cardiac arrest reversal rate well above the state average.